Who Are We?

Welcome to Voxify Global, your partner in simplifying insurance complexities. We offer expert guidance in Medicare, ACA, Final Expense, and Debt Settlement solutions, tailored to your unique needs. Our dedicated team empowers you to make informed decisions about health and financial well-being, ensuring comprehensive protection at every life stage.Trust us to guide you through the insurance maze with personalized support, securing your future and prioritizing your well-being.

Our services


The Affordable Care Act (ACA), or Obamacare, aims to increase access to affordable health insurance through health insurance marketplaces, subsidies, and tax credits. It mandates essential health benefits, expands Medicaid, and includes consumer protections against coverage denial for pre-existing conditions. The individual mandate requiring insurance was effectively eliminated in 2019

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Senior Health Insurance

Senior health insurance program primarily for individuals 65 and older, and some younger people with disabilities. Eligibility begins at age 65, with enrollment typically starting three months before the 65th birthday. Senior Health Insurance covers many health services, but beneficiaries may incur copayments, coinsurance, and premiums, and often supplement with Medigap insurance.

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Final Expense insurance

It is a life insurance product designed to cover end-of-life costs such as funerals, burial, medical bills, and outstanding debts. It offers various coverage amounts tailored to individual needs, often with simplified underwriting or guaranteed issue options. Policies feature flexible payment plans and provide peace of mind by ensuring loved ones are not burdened with financial stress during an emotional time.

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Debt Settlement

Debt Settlement is a financial strategy to negotiate reduced debt repayments for individuals facing significant financial hardship. It involves negotiating with creditors to accept a lump-sum payment for less than the total owed. While it can provide debt relief, Debt Settlement may negatively impact credit scores and could have tax implications on the forgiven amount. Professional assistance is often sought to navigate the negotiation process and understand the potential consequences.

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Motor Vehicle Accident (MVA)

MVA involves incidents with vehicles leading to property damage, injury, or death. MVAs can result from driver error, adverse weather, poor road conditions, or mechanical failure. Legal implications may include claims for compensation due to negligence, and auto insurance is typically required to cover liabilities. Emergency responders address accidents promptly to minimize harm, while prevention efforts focus on safe driving practices and road safety improvements.

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Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI)

Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) provides financial support to individuals unable to work due to a qualifying disability. Eligibility requires meeting SSA's disability criteria and having sufficient work credits. The application process involves submitting documentation, and benefits are paid monthly based on lifetime earnings. SSDI ensures financial stability and access to essential services for disabled individuals and their families.

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